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Discover the Story
Behind Noctivio

Hello, I'm Mike Donovan, the face behind Noctivio.

I've always been the kind of person who values a good night's sleep.

But for the longest time, no matter how many hours of sleep I got, I was always struggling with sleep. Each morning, I'd wake up feeling drained, my nose stuffy, and my head groggy.

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I'd often look over at my wife, who'd be glaring back at me with tired eyes. Why? Well, it turned out that my loud, restless snoring was keeping her awake. Many nights, she would nudge or shake me, hoping it would stop the racket.

Now, I've never been one to rush to the doctor's office for every minor health concern… I believe in trying to find solutions on my own first.

And with my wife's peaceful sleep (and perhaps our marriage!) at stake, I began diving deep into research to figure out what was causing my sleep troubles.

Mouth Breathing Was The Cause Behind My Sleep-Related Issues.

Mouth breathing at night disrupts the natural rhythm and quality of your sleep. When you breathe through your mouth, you're more likely to experience shallow, less restorative sleep. 

This often leads to morning grogginess and day-long fatigue. Mouth breathing can also make your snoring sound like loud, dragging noises, disrupting sleep for both you and others.

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The solution? Mouth taping.

It sounded weird at first, but the idea was to encourage nasal breathing during sleep.

So, with newfound hope, I gave it a try.

I bought every brand of mouth tape I could find at my local pharmacy and grocery store.

While I saw an improvement in my sleep, the tapes themselves were a disappointment.

They were often of poor quality, uncomfortable, and left an annoying sticky residue on my face in the morning. I even wondered what kind of chemicals were in these sticky tapes.


My entrepreneurial spirit kicked in.

I thought, "Why not design a better, safer, and more comfortable mouth tape?" And that's precisely what I set out to do.

Months of research, testing materials, and prototypes led me to develop Noctivio's premier mouth tapes and nasal strips.

I thought, "Why not design a better, safer, and more comfortable mouth tape?" And that's precisely what I set out to do.

I wanted to make sure the tapes were breathable, wouldn't leave any residue, and were compatible even with facial hair.

After all, everyone deserves the chance to improve their sleep without compromising comfort.

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That’s How
Noctivio Was Born.

Today, we want to help everyone experience the transformative power of a good night's sleep

I'm living proof of the difference it can make. Gone are the days of waking up tired and groggy.

My snoring? A thing of the past.

And my wife? She's happier than ever, grateful for the peaceful nights.

If you've faced similar sleep challenges, know that you're not alone. We're here to help.

Noctivio mouth tapes and nasal strips are designed with you in mind.

They're easy to use, comfortable, and effective.
So, take that first step towards better sleep and overall health.
Adopt the simple nightly habit of mouth-taping and join our community.

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    The Simple Bedtime Habit for a Good Night's Rest

  • Enhance sleep quality
  • Help relief congestion
  • Improve oral health
  • Works with Facial Hairs
  • 100% Original
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    Opens nasal passages for easier breathing

  • Improves sleep quality
  • Helps relieve congestion
  • Reduces snoring
  • Designed for comfort
  • 100% Original
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Improved Sleep

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Reduced Snoring

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Relieve Congestion

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Helps With Sleep Apnea

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Protects Oral Health

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Increased Energy

Thank you for letting us be a part of your journey to better sleep.

Warm Regards

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Mike Donovan
Founder, Noctivio

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